This is why...

This blog has been created to give our family and friends an idea of our journey through infertility and the steps we chose to take to make our dream of becoming parents a reality. There may be a few graphic details here and there, along with some fun photos, but most importantly, we wanted to document these events in our lives for our future children and for anyone else who dreams of becoming a parent. Enjoy!

*Anyone who may be interested in us as adoptive parents, please feel free to check out our link at Bethany.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

In God's hands....

Yesterday was a fun day! My good friend Taylor needed to register for her upcoming baby shower and asked if I could go with her and do some registering as well. I felt a little weird registering for my invisible baby but as Taylor said, "It could happen any minute....and I might as well be prepared." I wasn't sure how the day would go and was a little worried that I might have a break down registering for all this cute baby stuff but I honestly did have a good time. Taylor and I pretty much registered for the same type of stuff but had a blast trying to figure out which brand of bottles was best and which brand of car seats was best etc. :) It was also fun trying to dodge a stalker type worker at Babies R Us who kept asking us if we were sisters or best friends or cousins.....and then she preceded to tell us all about her kids and her sister's kids. If we saw her down an aisle we wanted to go down, we quickly walked by and went down a different aisle. B ut all in all, it was a fun day and Taylor was so supportive. Thanks Taylor!!!!! Once we find out when we are getting our baby and find out the sex, I may go back and change some stuff to make it more girly or boyish but for now, I have the essentials. And one day we will have some type of party/shower that the registry will come in handy for. But for now it's all in God's hands.
Please continue to pray for us as we wait. The adoption agency said waiting can be the hardest part but after waiting for almost 4 years....we are pretty used to it. Prayers that can be lifted up are 1. praying for this process to run smoothly, 2. praying that it will happen in a way that I can be home with the baby for the first few months, and 3. pray for our birth mom and her decision that she is facing.
Thank you for your love and support through this process.
And Jen T......if you're reading this....maybe you should start a blog too! :) Love you girl!

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